What is it?
CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a non-intoxicating compound produced by the cannabis plant that is popularly used for a variety of medical applications. CBD, unlike its psychoactive sibling THC, doesn’t possess the properties that get you “high.” Unlike THC, which binds to your CB1 and CB2 nerve receptors to create different heady and bodily sensations, CBD is binding free. That is why CBD is usable by anyone, even those who are in professions that require serious mental clarity
When taken CBD affects two main cannabinoid receptors in the body. There is CB1, which is primarily located in the brain and central nervous system (nerves of the brain and spinal cord) and CB2, which is located in our immune system cells, gastrointestinal tract, and peripheral nervous system (nerves extending to the rest of the body from the brain and spinal cord).This is important because the effects of activating these receptors can be quite noticeable.
Where should I start?
If you are new to CBD (or any cannabinoid for that matter) we always suggest going low and slow. Start with just a little, see how it feels and increase or decrease from there. Finding the proper amount of CBD for yourself is crucial. Too little and you will not experience desired results, too much and you will be wasting product.
How do I use your Mixing Powder?
Our CBD Mixing Powders include a 25mg serving spoon. It is incredibly versatile and can be used in drinks, meals, sauces, etc. Just add, mix, and consume.
It is important to remember that it can take up to two weeks before seeing the results you are looking for with CBD, but every endocannabonoid system is different. If after a month you are not seeing the intended result, please contact us. Ideally, it is best to navigate this process under the guidance of a qualified physician.